Sunday, July 15, 2007

Another Way To Check BSNL Dataone Usage

--> This has been helpful for me and hope will also help you.As I am using Fedora Core6 ,it has been difficult for me to check my account.Then I used the DataFox.But,the safest is IE for Linux.
I know you people are not intrested in using IE in Linux but it really works in checking the Dataone Account safely.
It's actually quite easy ,thanks to some very handy scripts from IEs4Linux. Before you start you'll need to make sure you have wine and cabextract installed:
# yum -y install wine cabextract
$ gtar xzvf ies4linux-2.0.5.tar.gz
$ cd ies4linux-2.0.5
$ ./ies4linux
Welcome, greg! I'm IEs4Linux.
I can install IE 6, 5.5 and 5.0 for you easily and quickly.
You are just four 'enter's away from your IEs.
I'll ask you some questions now. Just answer y or n (default answer is the bold one)
IE 6 will be installed automatically.
Do you want to install IE 5.5 SP2 too? [ y / n ] y
IEs 4 Linux installations finished!
To run your IEs, type:
Start the IE and open the famous portal for checking the BSNL Broadband usage and do as you used to do while using Windows.
do as you used to do while using Windows.
Then just download the latest script, extract and run it. The example below is based on version 2.0.5, just adjust the version number as necessary. Please note that you will want to install and run this as your own user, NOT as root. I used the defaults except that I installed all the versions of IE. I do some web development and I always find myself needing to resolve some goofy incompatibilites with older versions of IE.

Friday, July 13, 2007

DataFox to check the usage of Dataone Broad Band Service In LINUX

DataFox is an easy to use, cross platform & customizable extension to Firefox, which you can use monitor your DataOne Broadband bandwidth usage. It is not a standalone program and will only work when installed as an extension to Firefox. DataFox is non-intrusive and does not monitor your network activity, it just obtains the information from the BSNL website. The collected info is displayed in your Firefox status bar area and additional info is displayed in a tooltip.

Here are a couple of screenshots:
I have been really irritated by the fact that I could not easily check my usage in Firefox, and I really would like to do so frequently, so I didn't want to use a separate program. Since Firefox is always open on my machine, writing a Firefox extension to do this seemed logical. DataFox does not collect statistics, past records or draw graphics - not yet anyway. The goal here is simplicity, all that matters to me is how much bandwidth I've used and how much I have left until the month ends. I've also added the ability to allow Firefox to browse the usage site directly, so if you need the details, you can get them - without switching to IE. DataFox obtains the info it displays from the summary provided in the BSNL site for a given month, it does not read all your records and make it's own totals.

More info and the download is available here: Download DataFox

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Rajabazar Science College as seen from Space

This is how the institution looks from Space.Its an image by the satellite.

University College Of Science And Technology,Rashbehari Siksha Prangan (Rajabazar Science College)

University College of Science and Technology is the Science and Technology college under University Of Calcutta.The college is also well renowned by the name Rajabazar Science College.Science and Technological Post Graduate courses are being conducted by the institution.The author is persuing his Post graduate course from this college.The institution has a history of excellence.University Of Calcutta is the oldest university in Asia with a history of about 150 yrs.Renowned companies are recruiting the students of the University.

If anyone wants to add something to this they are most welcomed.Their comments will be incorporated.